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Hook-Tech GP BI Bundle

Trial Balance Dashboards

Choose between Net Change and Monthly Balances

and show your trial balance category totals for all periods.

Drill down to a smart view with GL account details.

Trial Balance - Month End Balances.jpg

Supplier Aging and Yearly Totals

Charts showing AP Aging Summary with drilldown to Aging by Supplier Smart View.

Supplier Totals Year on Year drills down to totals by supplier.

Supplier Aging and Yearly Totals.jpg

Accounts Receivable Dashboard

Parameter for Branch or Company Level

AR Aging Chart with drill down to Customer Level

Top 10 Past Due Customers with drill down

Top 15 AR Balances by Sales Rep with drill down

Average Days to Pay

AR Past Due trend last 6 months

Open transaction counts and values.

Bank Deposits & Receipts

Smart View with date range selection of GP Bank Deposits and Receipts.  Filters to show Reconciled and/or voided.

Bank Depoisits and Receipts.jpg

GP Checkbook register shows a date range list of checkbook transactions grouped by checkbook ID and if they have been reconciled or not.

Checkbook Register.jpg

Checkbook Register

GL Account Summary by Period

GL Account Summary based on a selected Fiscal Year shows period balances with a preview pane of transaction details.  Several filters available including Account Type, Posting Type, Main Account Segment, etc.

GL Account Summary by Period.jpg

Supplier Applied Payments

Choose a supplier and date range to display a list of payments and the transactions they were applied to

Applied Payments by Supplier.jpg

1099 Payment Totals by Supplier

Select a fiscal year to show totals for 1099 Payments by Supplier.

1099 Payment Totals by Supplier.jpg

GL Detail by Account

Select a GL Code and date range to display a list of transactions.  Wildcard can be used to select a group of GL Accounts by Segment.

GL Detail By Account.jpg

Supplier Transaction Detail

Select a Supplier and date range to display all supplier transactions within that range.  Preview panes present you with Applied Transaction Detail and GL Distribution information for the transaction.

Supplier Transactions with Applied Transactions and GL Distribution.jpg

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Tel. +1-250-503-7627

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